Thursday, July 28, 2005

Day 74

A decision made! In a sea of many choices, today I made this one! Actually, we had already picked out a kitchen sink along with all of our plumbing fixtures, but the man of the house was not happy with our kitchen sink options. So I went to another supplier that our builder recomended. I requested prices on three sinks only to find out that two of them were out of our budget. But the second one pictured above was nearly the exact same price as the one at the top that is a rather plain jane lighter gauge sink. So, we are getting that lovely sink!

The plumbers completed their work today and called for an inspection. Unfortunately, the inspecter found something that needs to be corrected. So tomorrow, the plumber return and make his changes and call for another inspection.

Our lovely "classic cream" siding was delivered today. It should start to go up tomorrow morning!


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